焦点分析 | 巨头都想做的电商生意,Facebook有备而来_详细 ...:2021-5-27 · Instagram是生活微小片段的记录,整体氛围倾向于“呈现美的(show something pretty)”;而TikTok短视频内容中的一个大类是泛娱乐,不一定是原创,也 ...
焦点分析 | 巨头都想做的电商生意,Facebook有备而来_详细 ...:2021-5-27 · Instagram是生活微小片段的记录,整体氛围倾向于“呈现美的(show something pretty)”;而TikTok短视频内容中的一个大类是泛娱乐,不一定是原创,也 ...
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Special guest Bill Allen joins the podcast to talk about whether or not generative design is 'doomed to fail', maximizing versus optimizing, work/life balance, personal hacks, reading suggestions, and more.
Special guest Clifton Harness joins the podcast to talk about generative design, tool building, running a startup, the AEC community on LinkedIn versus Twitter, how architects could affect sustainable change through getting involved in policy decisions, and more.
Cormac and I continue to nerd-out and do a deep dive into three buildings. Come along on the journey of experiencing capital "A" architecture during a time when it's practically impossible to do so.
Special guest Randy Deutsch joins the podcast to talk about teaching in architecture, how he got his start writing books, why writing is important, and shares some personal productivity hacks.
Special guest Ian Keough joins my new podcast to talk about tool building, "slipping" off the path of becoming a "real" architect, the idea of starting from a blank page, and more.
In this inaugural episode, I talk with Mark LePage of EntreArchitect to discuss what TRXL is all about.
Instagram隐藏点赞数 点赞时伟的终结? - Chinese:2021-7-31 · Instagram从昨天开始在六个国家测试隐藏帖子的点赞数量,网红直接受到重大影响。 今年1月一张再普通不过的鸡蛋照片在发布后的十天成为Instagram上 ...
Cormac and I continue to nerd-out and do a deep dive into three buildings. Come along on the journey of experiencing capital "A" architecture during a time when it's practically impossible to do so.
Cormac and I recently got together with the hosts of three other architectural podcasts for the second annual ARCAST live event. Mark LePage of the EntreArchitect podcast, Lance Cayko and Alex Gore of Inside the Firm podcast, and Dimitrius Lynch of Spaces podcast reconvened with Archispeak to continue what we started at last year’s AIA Conference on Architecture. The only difference: this year it was virtual since the AIA canceled the conference due to Covid-19.
You can listen to last year’s two-part podcast series here and here.
To keep the annual momentum going and to have some fun meeting new people and seeing old friends during a time when we can’t really get together, ARCAST 2025 had many special guests joining in. The absolutely stellar line-up of guests included:
Kyrah Williams (founder of America’s Hidden Gem)
Demar Matthews
Lora Teagarden (Ratio Design, ARE Sketches)
Patrick MacLeamy (former CEO of HOK & founding member of BuildingSMART)
Rosa Sheng FAIA (Founder of Equity by Design, Principal at SmithGroup)
Amanda Gattenby (VP of Development at CRATE Modular)
Bill Jannot (ARCAT)
This year’s theme was the 焦点分析 | 巨头都想做的电商生意,Facebook有备而来_详细 ...:2021-5-27 · Instagram是生活微小片段的记录,整体氛围倾向于“呈现美的(show something pretty)”;而TikTok短视频内容中的一个大类是泛娱乐,不一定是原创,也 ..., and to say the least, there was a lot to talk about! It was an inspiring conversation, and I learned a lot from our guests about justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, modular housing, minority issues, licensure, technology, and more. I wanted to take this moment to once again thank them for their vulnerability, leadership, and their generosity of time, experiences, and ideas that were shared during the live stream to a wide audience. We need more architects to be open with having these long-form conversations and not just posting snippets to Twitter and other social media where discourse is much more difficult. I believe these conversations are the only way we are going to work through issues, share stories, and reach deeper levels of understanding of what we are all trying to navigate on a daily basis to make our profession one that is worthy of surviving.
I’m thrilled to be starting another podcast (in addition to Archispeak) on the Gābl Media network. Here’s a short promo video I made to tell you more about it:
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The first official episode turned out great, and I can’t wait for you to give it a listen.
Cormac and I nerd-out and go through a laundry list of great architecture that we’ve visited, hoping to narrow it down to do a deep dive into one building each in the next episode. Come along on the journey of experiencing capital "A" architecture during a time when it's practically impossible to do so.
We ask you to listen to the entire 20 minutes and 20 seconds to help make a difference.
Chris Grant, Creative Director at HMC Architects, is on this episode of #quarantech to talk about the work he and our colleagues are doing to take all-things-visual to the next level. This was a really fun conversation and Chris is leading the creation of some amazing work.
In this podcast episode, we discuss an episode of Netflix's docuseries Abstract: The Art of Design that focused on Olafur Eliasson's philosophy, process, and work, and relate that to what we do in architecture. This was a great conversation about an inspiring individual.
And our show is now officially part of the facebook, which is cool news.
In this episode of Quarantech, Cody Winchester and Evan Troxel talk about HMC's Digital Academy and go behind the scenes to share how it works.
Picking up from some cues in the last episode, we talk about the Eames' movie 中国怎么上youtub, a design studio Cormac is participating in at Auburn, good communication skills, the power of the diagram, putting construction on display, and the work of architect Craig Ellwood.
We're always looking for better ways to communicate our designs. In this episode, I have a conversation about our new common material library—for all of our 3d design platforms—with HMC's senior visualization artist Francisco Penaloza.
In this episode, we follow up on the homework assignment and watch the facebook movie... because what else do you have to do? We also welcome a special guest, Cormac's longtime-friend from architecture school Steven Hoffman, who was not only in the movie about the Rural Studio but was also a student and instructor there.
In this episode of #quarantech I talk with Greg McDowell who is the Phoenix office BIM Manager that joined HMC's digital practice team earlier this year. We chat about his self-professed Revit-nerdery and what he's doing to help HMC work smarter. He's basically a genius.
Hi, I'm Evan. I'm an architect, technologist, designer, author, and podcaster based in Los Angeles.
中国企业家网 - 董明珠建言提高个税起征点;京东上线“自营 ...:2021-5-21 · 董明珠建言提高个税起征点;京东上线“自营房产”业务;字节跳动估值超1000亿美元,中国企业家网属于拥有25年历史的《中国企业家》杂志,中国企业家网是商业人物第一站,从商业新闻到商业思想,减法思维,为决策人群提供每日决策参考.
Art & Design
Being outdoors
Making things
Archispeak Podcast
ARE Hacks
Method Digital Training
Hey! I wrote a book: